Rachael Ray Nutrish Food For Dog, Real Beef, Pea & Brown Rice Recipe, Adult 14 lb
Help your dog keep up with the pack by feeding them Rachael Ray Nutrish Real Beef, Pea & Brown Rice Recipe. The number one ingredient in this dry dog food is real beef, which helps support healthy organs and maintain lean muscle mass, while fiber sources including peas and brown rice help support healthy digestion. We’ve also added our Whole Health Blend, which includes Omega-3 fatty acids to support an active mind, vitamin C for immune support, and proteins and whole grains to help maintain balanced energy. And it does all that with no artificial flavors and no artificial preservatives. Plus, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of every Nutrish dog food product will be donated to The Rachael Ray Foundation, which helps animals in need. So, get a bag and make your dog the happiest one on the block.