Florida's Natural Orange Juice, No Pulp, Original 64 Oz
Premium. Squeezed from our fresh Florida oranges. Not from concentrate. 100% pure. Pasteurized. Thank you. As a second generation grower with Florida's Natural Co-op, I sincerely thank you for buying juice that isn't imported. Because of your continued support, I'm able to continue a way of life that was passed down from my father. I hope you get as much enjoyment drinking juice made from Florida oranges as I get from growing them. - Sincerely, Edwin Friedlander. Unlike other major brands' orange juice, this juice is never imported. Florida's Natural. From Florida and only Florida. 100% orange juice. Some national brands use orange juice from other countries. At Florida's Natural, we're a small co-op of growers who use only Florida oranges in our premium, not from concentrate orange juice. To us it just makes sense. Why go elsewhere for oranges when the best-tasting oranges are right here in Florida? Yeah, we can't think of a good reason either. Meets American Heart Association food criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol for healthy people over age 2. While many factors affect heart disease, a diet that is low in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol combined with a healthy lifestyle may reduce the risk of heart disease. Product of USA.