Robert Mondavi Chardonnay, Central Coast 750 ml

Vint Central Coast Chardonnay White Wine is inspired by American winemaker Robert Mondavi’s commitment to traditional winemaking and producing flavorful wines for modern wine lovers. A celebration of the rich tradition of winemaking, this Vint wine is made from grapes harvested from the warm and cool climates of California’s Central Coast. Fermented in stainless steel and aged for six months in French oak barrels, the resulting chardonnay wine is gold in color and offers incredible depth and complex flavor. Green apple, peach, and citrus flavors leap from each glass of wine, finishing with a rich mouthfeel, tannins, and notes of tobacco and vanilla flavors. This 750 mL bottle of wine pairs well with roasted poultry, seafood, creamy sauces, and soft cheeses. Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2024 Robert Mondavi, Acampo, CA