Woodbridge Merlot, California 750 ml
Woodbridge Merlot Red Wine is smooth and complex, delicious with daily meals and made for sharing. Crafted using unique growing techniques and state-of-the-art technology for winemaking, this California wine is made with high-quality grapes from the Lodi region. With a well-balanced acidity, this red merlot wine features beautifully integrated tannins that create complexity and structure. Rich aromas of blackberry, cherry, chocolate and red berries complement an enticing ripe plum, toasty mocha oak and cherry cola flavor. This full-bodied Woodbridge merlot wine has a soft and versatile style that pairs well with hearty pasta with Bolognese sauce, grilled steak, lamb, pork chops and hamburgers. For best taste and quality, store this bottle of wine at room temperature and chill before serving. Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2025 Woodbridge Winery, Acampo, CA