Alamos Malbec Argentina Red Wine 750ml 750 ml
Alamos Malbec is a fruit-forward Argentinian red wine with a rich, flavorful aroma. With concentrated fruit notes of plum, blackberry and dark cherry, this medium-bodied wine delights your palate with a smooth finish. Hints of brown spice and vanilla bring added layers of complexity. Enjoy this red wine on its own or in a wine cocktail. This versatile Malbec wine pairs well with a variety of foods, especially grilled meats and vegetables. Each wine bottle has 13.5% alcohol by volume. Alamos Malbec has received 91 points from James Suckling on vintages 2014-2022. This red wine is crafted with quality wine grapes from Mendoza, offering a true taste of Argentina. Alamos has 120 years of Argentinian family winemaking. In addition to Malbec, Alamos wine is also available in Red Blend, Cabernet Sauvignon and other varietals.