Bolla Merlot Italian Red Wine 750 Ml

Italian red wine. For over 130 years, Bolla has been recognized for its trusted taste and quality. To produce the finest wine, we sourced our grapes from some of the most renowned regions of Italy and selected only the best during the ideal picking days of September. Bolla Merlot is medium dry and soft, with ripe dark-cherry, berry and plum flavors. Pairs well with: rich seafood; chicken; pork; lamb; spicy foods; cheeses. Alc 13% by vol. 26 Bottled by Bolla S.P.A. - Bardolina - Italia in Pastrengo - Italia. Product of Italy. The story of Bolla began with one man, Abele Bolla in 1883 in Soave, Italy as he created the first Bolla wines. Over 125 years old, Bolla is known around the world and represents the authentic taste of Italy.